Make a Donation
About the donations.
Welcome Guest

When you donate your account will be upgraded to V.I.P.
V.I.P. extras are:

A fancy star
Upload credits (1€ = 5GB, so if you donate 10€ will get 50 GB upload)
Immunity for Auto Disable (for a low ratio)
Immunity for Auto Warnings (for a low ratio)
Immunity for Hit n Run System
You can see Tracker info
You can see member profiles
You can see Extra stats (Top 10 and ect.)
You can make requests
Unlimited slots
24 hours support from our support team
And many more little extras
Choose a plan, set a username and click on the donate button.

Choose a payment method bellow

  • PayPal
  • Cryptocurrency

Donation system is fully automatic. You will receive your VIP features immediately after payment.
NOTE: You will be redirected to other website in order to "buy" something. On Your bank account/credit card statement You WON'T see anything releated to Torrent site, so don't worry about this.
NOTE: If for any reason your account is not updated 30 min. after the payment, please send us e-mail to, so we can update Your account ASAP. Our site relies on your donations to stay online. Without them we will not be able to carry on as the costs are just to high for us to be able to pay for it every month.

Thank you for the support from all staff of SportsCult !